Why EntreQuick?

Starting a new business is risky. Before diving into your new business, you need to ask yourself:

  • What is the profit potential of my business idea?
  • How much cash do I need to get my business off the ground?
  • How much of my own money should I invest, and how much should I borrow?
  • What return rate can I expect from my investment, and is this return worth the risk I am taking?
  • What if my sales are 50% less than I expected? How will this affect my cash flow and rate of return?

Why leave these answers to guesswork?

EntreQuick can help you arrive at intelligent answers, and develop valuable insights into your new business idea before you invest your own money:

    ✓ quickly test the financial feasibility

    ✓ forecast start-up funding requirements

    ✓ project cashflow, Return on Total Investment, Return on Equity, and other key indicators

    ✓ create professional looking financial statements for investors

    ✓ private and secure

What is EntreQuick?

EntreQuick is a web-based application. With Internet access you have the convenience of accessing and updating EntreQuick anywhere, anytime.

You are able to document, analyze, and store up to 1000 new business ideas in EntreQuick.

EntreQuick is fully menu-driven and easy to use. EntreQuick does not use or require a spreadsheet.

All you do is follow EntreQuick’s simple format for inputting assumptions, and EntreQuick simulates key financial statements for your new business covering a three year planning horizon. EntreQuick quickly generates these reports and statements for you:

  1. An Income statement that you know, month-by-month for the entire three year period, whether you’ll make enough profit and whether your revenue and expense estimates are realistic.
  2. A Balance sheet showing your new business’ forecasted growth in assets, liabilities, and net worth for each month in your three year horizon.
  3. A Cash flow statement that details your sources and uses of cash over the 36 month period, and tells you whether you have enough financing to keep your business afloat. It will show you why healthy profits do not always equal a healthy cash flow.
  4. A Key financial indicators report which shows you, at a glance, important indicators like your new business’ profit before taxes, rate of return, and lowest ending cash balance.

EntreQuick's projected income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and key financial indicators are fully linked and integrated. A change in your data or assumptions in, say, your income statement will automatically be reflected in your other three statements.

If you want an alternative to spending hours of work manually evaluating your new business idea then EntreQuick is for you!

Don’t delay, for less than a dollar a day EntreQuick will set you on the path to success - Start Free Trial today

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  • No risk. No obligations.
  • After 14 days, if EntreQuick is not your bag, just walk away.